Back at last! The exams are over, most of the marks are in (things didn't go too badly, for a change), and my life can continue hurtling itself on which ever path fate/karma/(Enter deity of choice here) has assigned to me...
Right, so as you can guess, academics has taken up the largest chunk of my time in the past two weeks. Most of that time involved mainlining caffeine and reading textbooks, and getting the occasional hour or two of sleep in at night... The only times we left the house was to actually physically write tests, with the one exception being me having dinner with an old friend who's back in the country for a while. That’s it. Boring, I know. So, now that i've essentially summated my life of the preceding fortnight, let us continue and focus on what happened AFTER the exams ended...
Last Wednesday was a welcome change to the monotony that my life had become up until that point. By eleven o’ clock the pens were down, the books we’re closed (until the next time, that is), and the first beer was opened. After driving through to
My leaving early turned out to be a bit of a blessing in disguise, seeing as how events that transpired that night would have mentally scarred me for life (two of my friends ended up scoring, and both are pissed off at me due to this, though for different reasons… Go figure!)… Thursday was spent (for everyone but me) in a wonderful post-hangover glow, and most of the day was spent eating pizza, drinking ginger beer (works almost as well as cream soda for that mushy feeling your brain gets…) and watching corny 80’s horror movies (Chucky is a legend!). The day was cut short by a power outage (yes… they’re back!!!! Dum dum dum…), but luckily came back on just in time for pub quiz. Unmotivated (we had missed the previous week’s round due to exams, which effectively put us out of running for the grand prize) and undermanned (there was only three of us instead of the usual 8), we managed to pull off a minor miracle won decisively for the first time in over a month. As can be expected, celebration and merriment ensued…
Friday I was greeted with the hangover I didn’t get, but apparently deserved (karmically speaking), from Wednesday night, and all plans that involved moving were subsequently dropped from the schedule until further notice… Honestly, I have no idea what I would do with myself were it not for take-aways and entire season dvd-collections of the West Wing. After hours of intense planning and strategy (no consultants were harmed, mind you), I finally made the move towards getting up just long enough to drag my carcass to the bar so that I could watch the opening match of the World Cup…
Upon arriving at the bar, I found that it had been invaded by, of all things, actuaries (yes!). Turns out the flatmate had invited some friends over, and several (bad… BAD!!!!) jokes about the probability of
The town ended up being pretty quiet for a Friday, but just as I was ready to call it a day, I was called (by the Prins of Mayhem himself…) to join him at The Upper Level (the new swanky part of the old Drunken Springbok pub) to watch Fokofpolisiekar (an incredibly talent local punk band who sings exclusively in Afrikaans, for the people who don’t know). Funnily enough, due to the fact that I was in several schools in my life (LONG story for another day), I actually went to school with three of the band members at one point in time. What was even funnier is that they all remembered me and greeted me on sight (yes, it does feel cool being me sometimes…). Needless to say, the rest of the night became completely derailed when the lead guitarist and I tried to kill each other with Stroh rum and Sambuca… Nevertheless, it’s definitely fun not having to pay for drinks and getting women who actually hit on you! Maybe I should dust off the old guitar (I can imagine a thousand people holding their breath at this very moment)…
Saturday was spent spring cleaning the flat, the bar (and certain parts of my car, thanks to rockstar excess…), and a generally relaxed day was held by all. We invited the squad going to debating nationals around for a party, and amidst the soccer and the company a merry time was had by all. The following morning I awoke stiff and covered with bruises due to the fact that I had tried to, among other things, breakdance and put my legs behind my head… On both accounts I failed, though came closer than I thought possible for me!
Right, so that concludes my account of the four drunk days après mon examen. Currently, I am at home slowly but surely recuperating from the self-inflicted torture my liver has had to endure, watching soccer (a recurring theme for the next couple of weeks), eating biltong (it’s that time of the year…), drinking tea, and doing everything I didn’t have time for during the past semester (i.e. watching movies and reading a ton of books).
The one problem with staying at home for extended periods is the fact that someone will eventually figure out that I have more free time than them. In fact, since I wasn’t hiding my non-activity well enough, the entire family has been trying to exploit me around every corner… At the moment, I’m running around for my dad fetching wine, cooking for my mom when she’s not in the mood, and helping my sis study for an online psychology course she’s taking (clearly the whole summer holiday in winter doesn’t work that well for her…).
Oh well, that’s enough for now… Join me next time for a rant (yes, I think it’s about time) about mid-winter, and the Body Mass Index scale…
Until then…
Music Lyric of the day: “You may be right! I may be crazy! But I just might be the lunatic you’re lookin’ for…” (Billy Joel, You may be right)
Arb 80’s trivia of the day: Weirdly enough, the most successful NBA basketball team of the decade was the Boston Celtics.
Suggestion of the day: Next time you’re at a restaurant, or want to cook something nice, try something you’ve never tried before.
Quote of the day: “Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” (Ernest Hemingway)